Week of March 31

Click The Icons Above For Information

EMAIL:   ssandoval@rcseagles.org, narcidiacono@rcseagles.org


Mrs. Sandoval's 

Amazon Wish List here.

Mrs. Sandoval's 

TPT Wish List here

Mrs. Arcidiacono's 

Amazon Wish List here.

Mrs. Arcidiacono's 

TPT Wish List here

Mrs. Godfrey's 

Amazon Wish List here.

Mrs. Godfrey's 

TPT Wish List here. 

   Upcoming Events/Important Information

     **Points will be deducted for late work and on graded assignments if students do not write in a complete sentence starting with a capital letter and ending in appropriate punctuation. **

Meet the Teacher Night Presentation

        Important Links:    

RCS Background/ Volunteer Application 

RCS Parent Page (School Supply List/ Nurse Forms)

Chromebook Login Instructions

4th Grade Remind

RCS Serve

     Important Dates:

3/31: Annual Golf Tournament at High Meadows Ranch Golf Club

4/3: Field Trip to Taste of Texas

4/11: Field Trip to Children's Museum of Houston

4/14-4/16: Iowa Testing

4/17: Easter Party

5/2: Field Day

Junior Achievement Dates (will be taught during TX History):

Tuesday, 4/1

Tuesday, 4/8

Tuesday, 4/22

Tuesday, 4/29

Tuesday, 5/6

4th Grade Student Photos 

You can view and add photos to this folder throughout the year (Click Here For Folder) 



Personal Narratives- Students will complete publishing and share their writing



Quiz: Thursday, 4/10

List 22

Pattern Words: bravely, weakness, dirty, closely, blindness, noisy, fitness, friendly, worthy, finally, guilty, forgiveness, willingly, breezy, surely, suddenly

Review Words: wonderful, equipment

Challenge Words: gently, truly

HW Schedule:

Monday: Word Study, page 87

Tuesday: Proofreading & Dictionary Skills, pages 88-89

Note: The packets are completion grades; each page is worth 25 points. If a student does not complete a page, they will be given the correct answers, but they will not receive credit for that page.

Spelling Tests will be Thursday if there is no school on Friday


Reading - 

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane- Students will complete their book review

*There could be quizzes weekly over the chapters read that week.

Novel Studies:

Every 4th grade student will need to purchase the following novels. The links to purchase each one are found below

          ISBN 10: 0689818769          ISBN 13: 978-0689818769

ISBN 10: 0763647837    ISBN 13: 9780763647834

          ISBN 10: 0440413281           ISBN 13: 9780440413288

**Please purchase the paperback version of each book. It is challenging to have class discussions when there are students that have different page numbers. These books will belong to the student. I have attached the Amazon link above for convenience. Do not have your student read ahead.**



Memory Verse (Saying in Chapel on 4/2)

“"Don't you know that the runners in a stadium all race, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way to win the prize. Now everyone who competes exercises self- control in everything. However, they do it to receive a crown that will fade away, but we a crown that will never fade away." 1 Corinthians 9:24-25



Topic 8- Developing Proficiency: Dividing by 1- Digit Divisors

*Topic 8 Test April 8th*





*Chapter 7 Test: Tuesday, 4/1

INBs and Review pages went home Friday, 3/28

Chapter 8: Sun, Moon, and Earth Systems

Lesson 1: Patterns of the Seasons

Essential Question: How can you predict the seasons based on daylight and temperature?

Lesson Objective: Students collect and analyze data to identify sequences and predict patterns of change in seasons.

Hands on Investigation: Students will collect and analyze data about the monthly average temperature and length of the day in their city. They will organize the data on the graph to identify sequences and patterns. 

HW: It is not generally assigned except to finish an assignment or study for a test.

Google Classroom Code: ugxmosu


Social Studies 

*Unit 9 Test: Wednesday, 4/9

Unit 9: Texas in the 20th Century

Lesson 9.6: The Civil Rights Movement

Objective: Students will explain the impact of the Civil Rights Movement on life in Texas.

Lesson 9.7: Audie Murphy

Objective: Students will explain the impact of notable individuals in Texas.

Lesson 9.8: Cleto Rodriguez

Objective: Students will explain the impact of notable individuals in Texas.

Lesson 9.9: Bessie Coleman

Objective: Students will explain the impact of notable individuals in Texas.

HW: It is not generally assigned except to finish an assignment or study for a test.  

Google Classroom Code: hd5ohpo

Music: Mrs. Applewhite


PE: Coach Doggett



Secret Word:


Website updated every Sunday by 8 p.m. at the latest