Week of December 16th

Click The Icons Above For Information

Mrs. Sandoval's 

Amazon Wish List here.

Mrs. Sandoval's 

TPT Wish List here

Mrs. Arcidiacono's 

Amazon Wish List here.

Mrs. Arcidiacono's 

TPT Wish List here

Mrs. Godfrey's 

Amazon Wish List here.

Mrs. Godfrey's 

TPT Wish List here. 

   Upcoming Events/Important Information

      **While we give reminders to students with it being the first 9 weeks, we expect for students to turn in their homework on their own after being reminded. We do not go into each students' MOOSE binders or backpacks and look for their homework. **

**Points will be deducted on graded assignments if students do not write in a complete sentence starting with a capital letter and ending in appropriate punctuation. **

Meet the Teacher Night Presentation

        Important Links:    

RCS Background/ Volunteer Application 

RCS Parent Page (School Supply List/ Nurse Forms)

Chromebook Login Instructions

4th Grade Remind

RCS Serve

     Important Dates: 

12/19- Christmas Party-December 19

12/20- 1/7 Christmas Break


4th Grade Student Photos 

You can view and add photos to this folder throughout the year (Click Here For Folder) 





NO Spelling this week. Spelling will resume 1/13.

Spelling- Quiz: Friday, 1/17

List 14

Pattern Words: sponge, pledge, change, storage, gerbil, ridge, package, orange, message, ledge, courage, giraffe, bandage, general, image, hinge

Review Words: decided, force

Challenge Words: suggest, knowledge

HW Schedule:

Monday: Word Study, page 55

Tuesday: Proofreading & Dictionary Skills, pages 56 & 57

Note: The packets are completion grades; each page is worth 25 points. If a student does not complete a page, they will be given the correct answers, but they will not receive credit for that page.

Spelling Tests will be Thursday if there is no school on Friday


Reading - 


Novel Studies:

Every 4th grade student will need to purchase the following novels. The links to purchase each one are found below

          ISBN 10: 0689818769          ISBN 13: 978-0689818769

ISBN 10: 0763647837    ISBN 13: 9780763647834

          ISBN 10: 0440413281           ISBN 13: 9780440413288

**Please purchase the paperback version of each book. It is challenging to have class discussions when there are students that have different page numbers. These books will belong to the student. I have attached the Amazon link above for convenience. Do not have your student read ahead.**


Bible- No Memory Verse This Week

Unit 8- Paul's Second Missionary Journey

Blooket Test Review

*Memory Verse Quiz every other Wednesday*



Topic 4- Developing Proficiency: Multiplying by 1- Digit Numbers

*Topic 4 Test Monday, December 16th*



Science - Chapter 6: Earth's Processes and Resources

Lesson 1: Weathering

Objective: Student's model and describe slow changes to Earth's surface caused by weathering from water, wind, and ice.

Essential Question: How does weathering change Earth's surface?

Hands On-Investigation: Students will model and describe weathering from water, wind, and ice.

HW: It is not generally assigned except to finish an assignment or study for a test.


Social Studies - Unit 6: Texas Revolution

Lesson 6.1: Introduction to the Texas Revolution

Objective: Students will be able to understand the importance of the Texas Revolution.

Essential Question: What was the Texas Revolution

Lesson 6.2: Causes of the Texas Revolution

Objective: Students will analyze the causes of the Texas Revolution.

Essential Question: What were the main reasons of why the Texas Revolution occured?

HW: It is not generally assigned except to finish an assignment or study for a test.  

Join my Google Classroom with code hd5ohpo.

Music: Mrs. Applewhite


PE: Coach Doggett



  Secret Word


Website updated every Sunday by 8 p.m. at the latest